
Innovations (?) in Excel 2008

Lately I've been rather busy with my Master's Thesis. Because of that, I've been working a lot with charts. My choice is naturally Excel, since it produces good graphics much better than Numbers.

Before proceeding to "innovations", I would like to call your attention to the following screenshot:

Can you see what's wrong with it? Well, apparently the answer is "nothing". Yes, except Microsoft apparently considers that when users save their worksheet, they don't need an undo feature anymore!
I thought undo was meant to be used when you made an action you didn't plan or intended to, i.e. a mistake.

I don't call it a bug, I call it innovation!


After Excel 2008 crashes for your Mac, you might be rewarded with the following message:

Don't worry. Microsoft has thought of everything! You can recover it with Excel 2007 for Windows XP:

I hope Microsoft first fixes and delivers high quality products before expanding to a whole new family of products for the Mac!


Telmo Couto said...

Whoa, that's really innovative! Specially the "now that you've saved, there's no going back" feature!

imkira said...

Yeah, especially because there are two kinds of people: (this is not a geek joke)

- People that often save their work after writing a couple of paragraphs (in a text document), or formulas (in a worksheet), etc.


- People that don't save their work often. When their text processor (or whatever tool they are using) crashes, they become infuriated and struggle to get their work on the right track again.

A "save" feature does NOT mean you are positively sure you won't need to undo. It means "OK, especially because I trust you a lot, I'm saving this document so if you crash I won't spend like 2 hours recovering the time you made me lost". It's a false assumption Microsoft is doing on this ground. At least I do think that way.

Oh! Of course, I'm just talking about all these innovations, because I would have to spend extra time to recover my 2 days of work, was not the amazing "innovation" introduced by Excel 2007 (which is not included in 2008) !!??